Go Further with a Mentor

La Defense Toastmasters has decided to launch a Mentoring program to maximize the toastmaster members’ experience.

What is mentoring?

Mentoring is providing one-on-one assistance to a toastmaster member. Mentoring is an important skill in the toastmasters program and for any leader. Hence, The project 9 of the Competent Leadership (CL)manual  is a project dedicated to help toastmasters master the different qualities needed in order to be a successful mentor. 

Is it mandatory to have a mentor?

No it is not mandatory, but at La Defense, we strongly encourage all the members to have a mentor because the benefits are numerous.

What are the benefits of a mentoring program?

For a new member, it consists of learning the program. Mentors help new members become familiar with theCompetent Communication (CC) and CL manuals, club meeting roles, opportunities available through membership. Mentors also familiarize new members with the resources available to them and coach them with their speeches, enabling the new members to advance faster.

For experienced members, there are also benefits because with the help of a mentor an experienced member can refine existing skills and also learn new skills or set more challenging goals that will require guidance from a more advanced member. e.g.. taking a role in the excom or volunteer in a contest.

Who can be a mentor?

At La Defense, to be eligible, you need to complete 4 speeches —- and be Willing and have some time to help a member.

How many members can I mentor?

There are no rules. Yet, it important to keep in mind that you have to be available for the mentees We advise to start small with one mentee and then it’s up to you and the time you can allocate to this assignment.

How often does a mentor meet his/her mentee and does it have to be a physical meeting?

The duo is entirely free to define the frequency of their meetings.They can meet or simply email/ phone each other. The diner break during the club meeting is also a good moment to check on the advancement of the mentee.More importantly they should communicate before the key moments below:

  1. The induction ceremony as the mentor must go over the toastmasters promise with his/her mentee and provide support during this very first introduction to the club as an official member.
  2. The icebreaker: the mentor is here to help the mentee before this very important step of the toastmasters’ experience
  3. The preparation of any speech for which the mentee needs guidance and/or advice.

Any tips to be a successful mentor?

As a mentor you are here to offer the knowledge you have gained during your toastmasters journey and to guide your mentee. To be successful, you need to be Available, Patient, Sensitive , Respectful, Flexible, Supportive of the club, Knowledgeable, Confident, A good listener and Concerned about others.

Any tips to be a successful mentee ?

As a mentee, you benefit from the experience of member who has already faced the situations that you will find on your journey.To get the most of the mentoring, you need to be Eager to learn, Receptive, Open to new ideas, Loyal and Grateful for the time that your mentor will spend to help you achieve your goals